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контрольная Isaac Newton. Early life and education

1. What family brought Isaac up?

А) It was grandfather who brought him up

Б) It was big family with many children

В) It was stepmother who brought him up

Г) After second marriage, his mother left the boy with granny

2. When did he start building mechanical devices?

А) When he was at local school.

Б) When he lived in the home of a pharmacist.

В) When he took part in the competition at King's School in Grantham.

Г) When he decided to help run the family farm.

3. What made him postpone receiving his master's degree?

А) the beginning of epidemic                                              Б) the beginning of draught

В) the beginning of war                                                                         Г) the beginning of hunger

4. What topics did not attract Newton’s attention when he returned to Woolsthorpe?

А) Gravitation and energy                                                     Б) Gravitation and optics

В) Electromagnetism and magnetic field                         Г) ptics and motion

5. What did his mathematics professor, Isaac Barrow, do for Newton?

А) He resigned to give him chance to become a professor.

Б) He promoted Newton.

В) He asked him to be at Trinity for 27 years.

Г) He wrote thesis for Newton.

Раздел: Контрольные работы по английскому и другим иностранным языкам для 9 класса
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Дата публикации: 18.11.2016
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Рустемова А. Т. Isaac Newton. Early life and education // Международный каталог для учеников, учителей, воспитателей и преподавателей «Контрольные работы» // URL: https://xn----8sbdnygnbgbgqfvk1lhi.xn--p1ai/in-yaz/9-klass/file/27849-isaac-newton-early-life-and-education (дата обращения: 15.02.2025)
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